Burkina Faso Protest.. Clashes In East Jerusalem..Ukraine's Brutal Winter

Burkina Faso Protest.. Clashes In East Jerusalem..Ukraine's Brutal Winter
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Protesters Storm Burkina Faso Parliament
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Protesters Storm Burkina Faso Parliament

Protesters stormed Burkina Faso's parliament Thursday, dragging furniture and computers onto the street and setting the main chamber ablaze, forcing the government to cancel a vote to allow the president to seek another term next year.

Racism Punched In The Face
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Racism Punched In The Face

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Sweden Recognizes Palestinian State

Sweden's new left-leaning government on Thursday recognized a Palestinian state — a move that comes during increased tensions between Arabs and Jews over Israel's plans to build about 1,000 housing units in east Jerusalem.

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Iraqi Kurdish Forces Enter Kobani To Fight ISIS

A first group of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters entered the besieged Syrian town of Kobani on Thursday to help push back Islamic State militants who have defied U.S. air strikes and threatened to massacre its Kurdish defenders.

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Clashes Erupt In East Jerusalem

Clashes Erupt In East Jerusalem

Israeli police on Thursday shot dead a 32-year-old Palestinian man suspected of having tried hours earlier to kill a far-right Jewish activist, leading to fierce clashes in East Jerusalem and fears of a new Palestinian uprising.

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Brutal Winter Set To Hit War-Torn East Ukraine

Brutal Winter Set To Hit War-Torn East Ukraine

Dark tunnels in the basement of a bombed-out hospital in the eastern city of Donetsk lead to a makeshift shelter. Opening the door hardly alleviates the gloom, for the only lighting inside is the flicker of handmade oil lamps.

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Bodies Of Hundreds Of Iraqi Tribesmen Fighting Against ISIS Found In Mass Grave

Bodies Of Hundreds Of Iraqi Tribesmen Fighting Against ISIS Found In Mass Grave

The bodies of 150 members of an Iraqi Sunni tribe which fought Islamic State have been found in a mass grave, security officials said on Thursday.

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On The Blog: Coke Is Targeting Nations That Don't Have An Obesity Epidemic... Yet

On The Blog: Coke Is Targeting Nations That Don't Have An Obesity Epidemic... Yet

Last month, the Coca-Cola Company made a big promise: it was going to help America lose weight. At the Clinton Global Initiative, Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper all agreed to reduce the sugary calories they sell by 20 percent in ten years, arguing that industry could be part of the solution in curbing a growing obesity epidemic. That's right, Coke, a company that is currently the single largest consumer of sugar on the planet said it was now in the business of slimming down.

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